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Sufi Dance and Chant

Sacred Sufi music with song.  Feel the flow as you move. Movements must be in synch with your breath.  Slow stretches which strengthen your muscles combined with soft and gentle movements and poses let you access all your emotions within. ​Feel the vibration as you chant.  Immerse yourself in the dance.  Let your feelings, emotions, body and soul flow freely.  Chant and feel the tone resonate within. The piece is 30 minutes so it will be uploaded in stages.  Take your time and enjoy.

Part 1

Slow and deep stretches to strengthen your thighs and buttocks.  Do not forget to tighten your stomach/lower abdomen for balance.


Om   -  Om Hare Om

Om Hare Om

Om Hare Om

Om Hare Om

Om     Om      Om

Part 2

Rhythm and beat comes in combined with fluidity and strength.



Shaktiyoga - the path to release your inner Goddess.

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