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Chopin's Last Tour    <Le Dernier Tour de Chopin>
Anvil Creek Theatre 
Theatre in English
14-25July at 14:30   18 € /12.50 

La dernière tournée de Chopin se déroule en Écosse en 1848, un an avant sa mort. Ce n'est pas la période la plus heureuse de sa vie. Il sait qu'il va mourir, sa relation avec George Sand est terminée, son père est mort quatre ans plus tôt et il n'apprécie ni sa compagnie ni les circonstances actuelles.

C'est l'histoire de sa vie à travers sa musique et ses sentiments.

C'est une tentative d'humaniser le génie, de donner un aperçu de la personne qu'il était. La pièce explique son éducation, sa famille, l'importance de la Pologne, ses amitiés et ses amants, sa lutte contre la maladie, ses conflits et ses épreuves.  Un aperçu du type de vie qu'il menait.

Aujourd'hui encore, il reste une figure romantique et cette pièce explore les relations avec les femmes dans sa vie.

Phil Aughey joue du piano et récite l'histoire de Chopin.

Il s'agit d'une pièce émotionnelle qui donne un aperçu de ses sentiments.




Chopin's last Tour is set in Scotland in1848 one year before he dies. It was not the happiest time in his life. He knows that he is dying, his relationship with George Sand has ended, his father has died 4 years earlier and he doesn't enjoy his present company or circumstances.

It is the story of his life through his music and his feelings.

It is an attempt to humanise the genius, to give an insight into the person he was. The play explains his upbringing, family, the importance of Poland, his friendships and lovers, his battle with illness, his conflicts and his trials.  An insight into the type of life he led.

Even today he remains a romantic figure and this play explores the relationships with women in his life.

Phil Aughey plays the piano and recites the story as Chopin.

It is an emotional piece giving insight into his feelings.


Chopin and his music has touched the hearts of many people. This show relates his last moments. It is 1848.  He knows he is dying, his relationship with George Sand has ended, his father has died. 
This is a story of his life, music and feelings and tries to humanise the genius. Phil Aughey plays the piano and recites the story of Chopin.



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