Pink Floyd's Ummagumma: Dance of Surrealism & Illusion
Shakti's Reviews
Scotsman - Edinburgh (Donald Hutera)
She moves like liquid fire. Her potent stage presence communicates.
She has the ability to embody the mythic elemental forces through dance, and thereby achieve both physical and spiritual liberation.
La Marseillaise - Avignon, France
Shakti evokes love, death and life with the plentiful gestures of India.
The footwork is rhythmic and strong.
The arm movements are precise and resemble the
goddesses and apasaras. The sensuality magnifies the lines of the female body and shows the sculpturesque beauty.
Shakt’s dance goes beyond appearance.
London Time Out (Donald Hutera)
Shakti performs with curvacious fluidity and demonic drive.
Three Weeks Edinburgh
Dancing with utmost energy and radiating passion, we see
in this show a fitting confirmation of why Shakti is a Fringe
name you should be familiar with.
Shakti in Pink Floyd's Ummagumma